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BIK Policy

  USING COMPANY VEHICLE. BIK INSURANCE POLICY BIK is Benefit in Kind. This arises where your employer provides you with a vehicle for use in their business, while private use is also permitted The private use of the vehicle, regardless of it class, is subjected to Tax and USC. The calculation is based upon the [...]

By |2022-03-16T14:14:38+00:00March 16th, 2022|HR|Comments Off on BIK Policy

BIK + Insurance + Car Policy

BIK Policy You can load the document in word. USING COMPANY VEHICLE. 1. BIK 2. INSURANCE 3. POLICY BIK is Benefit in Kind. This arises where your employer provides you with a vehicle for use in their business, while private use is also permitted The private use of the vehicle, regardless of it class, is [...]

By |2022-01-18T17:33:03+00:00January 18th, 2022|HR|Comments Off on BIK + Insurance + Car Policy

Organisational Culture

Organisational Culture “How are you getting on with Covid and work and all that” James Larkin 17th December 2021 ESA Introduction Every organisation is built on human relationships and interactions. This creates, controls and influences how your organisation operates. These human experiences in your organisation can be defined as your organisations culture. Your HR strategies, [...]

By |2022-01-18T17:06:13+00:00January 12th, 2022|Covid-19|Comments Off on Organisational Culture

Covid Policy

CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 POLICY FOR PERSON OF CLOSE CONTACT OR WITH SYMPTOMS As a company ******** Ltd is fully committed to providing a safe working environment to all its employees and visitors who may be at risk of infection, or of spreading Coronavirus Covid-19 infection, especially if their role brings them into contact with other people. [...]

By |2022-01-18T17:06:32+00:00January 12th, 2022|Covid-19|Comments Off on Covid Policy

Are your employees entitled to have legal representation at disciplinary hearings?

We get this call a lot. An employer invites an employee to a disciplinary hearing and is informed, either verbally or by way of written communication, that the employee wants to have their solicitor attend. The question is: does the employer have to allow this? Historically, we would have advised that only if the disciplinary [...]

By |2021-03-09T14:53:14+00:00March 9th, 2021|Employment Law, HR, Human Resources, Supreme Court|Comments Off on Are your employees entitled to have legal representation at disciplinary hearings?

Right to Request Flexible Working

Ireland has an obligation under the 2002 European Framework Agreement to implement the right to request flexible working by August 2022. In preparation for this new aspect of work a Remote Working Checklist for Employers has been developed by Enterprise Ireland: https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/Publications/Publication-files/Remote-Working-Checklist-for-Employers.pdf If you would like further help in reviewing your remote working policy please [...]

By |2021-02-08T17:29:17+00:00February 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Right to Request Flexible Working

Benefit Payment for 65 Year Olds

Up until today retirees in Ireland who left their jobs at the traditional retirement age of 65 were forced to sign on to the Live Register and claim the dole until their State pension kicked in on their 66th birthday. Important points: The benefit only applies to people aged between 65 and 66 years of [...]

By |2021-02-08T14:39:16+00:00February 8th, 2021|Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources, News|Comments Off on Benefit Payment for 65 Year Olds

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