Minimum Wage increase set for 1st January 2021

Currently the National Minimum Wage is €10.10  per hour, however, on the 1st January 2021 this is set to increase to €10.20 (an increase of 10 cents). Employers will automatically think of the increase in PRSI, but this has been considered also. To this end the employer PRSI threshold currently set at €395 will increase [...]

By |2021-04-06T12:14:52+00:00November 1st, 2020|Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources, News|Comments Off on Minimum Wage increase set for 1st January 2021

What should be included in a Work-from-Home Policy?

Staff handbooks are not static and should be reviewed regularly. Additionally, when business throws a curve ball it is important that you are able to update your handbook or add a policy to keep it fresh. One of the most asked for policy updates we have been asked for is a Work-from-Home policy. When you [...]

By |2020-10-06T11:43:59+00:00October 26th, 2020|Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources|Comments Off on What should be included in a Work-from-Home Policy?

What types of leave can an employee take if they have to look after someone?

This has been the year of 'the unexpected' and employees are having to explore various leave entitlements that many employers may not have come across before or had very little experience of. Ideally your contract of employment or staff handbook should set out the various leave entitlements and manner in which they should be applied [...]

By |2020-10-06T10:19:50+00:00October 19th, 2020|Covid-19, Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources|Comments Off on What types of leave can an employee take if they have to look after someone?

64 year old cleaner fired over age and illness awarded €10,000

Case Background The 64 year old cleaner had been employed from December 2018 to June 2019 by an unnamed residential care facility. She worked Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Claim The claim was taken under the Equality Act for being dismissed due to age and illness. Employer's Mistakes The employee was never given a contract [...]

By |2020-08-21T14:45:45+00:00August 27th, 2020|Employment Equality, Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources, WRC Cases|Comments Off on 64 year old cleaner fired over age and illness awarded €10,000

Is your business an ESSENTIAL Workplace?

As per the Government guidelines all non-essential businesses are to close until at least the 12th April. If you are unsure as to whether your business falls into this category please use the link below: Should you wish to discuss whether your business falls into one of these categories please don't hesitate to contact [...]

By |2020-03-30T11:36:54+00:00March 30th, 2020|Covid-19, Employment Law, Employment Law, Health and Safety, HR, Human Resources, News|Comments Off on Is your business an ESSENTIAL Workplace?

Reducing Employee Pay – Employer Guide

Reduction of Pay  A reduction of wages/salaries differs to a deduction of wages/salaries. A reduction is the act of reducing whereas a deduction is what is being subtracted or removed.  Where there is a downturn in business, or there is less demand for a service, in order to avoid any potential redundancies, an employer should examine alternative options before proceeding with redundancies. The [...]

By |2020-03-27T11:34:40+00:00March 27th, 2020|Employment Law, Employment Law, Forms, HR, Human Resources|Comments Off on Reducing Employee Pay – Employer Guide

Revenue Wage Subsidy Scheme

The Revenue Wage Subsidy Scheme has come under some heavy fire by employment law experts for its lack of clarity surrounding key details. The Scheme itself, which can be read in full here: aims to assist those businesses worst hit so far by the Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, it would appear to be peppered by [...]

By |2020-03-27T11:14:47+00:00March 27th, 2020|Covid-19, Employment Equality, Employment Law, Employment Law, Forms, HR, Human Resources|Comments Off on Revenue Wage Subsidy Scheme

Frequently Asked Questions For Employers

  A to Z On Employment Law Matters       Contents: Can I ask the employees to take annual leave instead of temporary layoff?. 2 What do you do if your staff are being bullied, harassed and discriminated against because of their nationality?  2 How can I communicate health emergency policy as an Employer?. [...]

By |2020-03-27T10:39:36+00:00March 27th, 2020|Covid-19, Employment Law, Employment Law, Health and Safety, HR, Human Resources, News|Comments Off on Frequently Asked Questions For Employers

What is the difference between lay-off and short-time?

If you are an employer you have most likely heard the terms 'lay-off' and 'short-term' more than you would like recently, but many employers have contacted ESA unsure of what the difference is between the two terms. Essentially, lay-off is where an employer is unable to provide work for their employees but believes that this [...]

By |2020-03-25T16:28:42+00:00March 25th, 2020|Covid-19, Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources|Comments Off on What is the difference between lay-off and short-time?

Employers obligation to provide work to employees with a disability.

The Supreme Court’s recent decision in the Nano Nagle case: Duties of an employer Section 16 of the Employment Equality Acts requires an employer to take appropriate measures to facilitate persons with disabilities in accessing and participating in employment unless those measures would impose a disproportionate burden on the employer. The Act provides non-exhaustive examples [...]

By |2020-03-25T14:52:21+00:00January 2nd, 2020|Disability, Employment Equality, Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources, Supreme Court, Workplace Relations Commission, WRC Cases|Comments Off on Employers obligation to provide work to employees with a disability.

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