Employment law updates 2022/3

2023 changes in HR-Employment affecting you and your employees Changes and implementation When legislation changes the employment landscape, employers are at liberty to implement unilaterally the policies without having to seek the approval of the employees.   Comparing its worth noting that if your conditions and terms are better than the new legislation you don’t [...]

By |2023-01-12T16:12:40+00:00January 12th, 2023|Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources, News|Comments Off on Employment law updates 2022/3

Benefit Payment for 65 Year Olds

Up until today retirees in Ireland who left their jobs at the traditional retirement age of 65 were forced to sign on to the Live Register and claim the dole until their State pension kicked in on their 66th birthday. Important points: The benefit only applies to people aged between 65 and 66 years of [...]

By |2021-02-08T14:39:16+00:00February 8th, 2021|Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources, News|Comments Off on Benefit Payment for 65 Year Olds

€25,000 to employee harassed by boss at work party

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has upheld a claim for sexual harassment and ordered a beauty salon to pay €25,000 in compensation to its former employee. The full decision can be found on the WRC website reference: ADJ-00025776. What happened? The complainant was at a staff event organised by the company in the local pub. [...]

By |2020-12-02T12:02:53+00:00December 12th, 2020|Employment Equality, Employment Law, Employment Law, Human Resources, News, Workplace Relations Commission, WRC Cases|Comments Off on €25,000 to employee harassed by boss at work party

WARNING! Spillage of hand sanitiser can burn invisibly and unnoticed!!

Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) have shown an experiment on Twitter demonstrating how a spillage of hand sanitiser can burn invisibly and unnoticed. The DFB spokesperson explained: "It's because of the alcohol content. Alcohol/ethanol burns with an almost invisible flame." "Dispensers should have an integrated drip tray, or tray underneath to catch spillages. Any spillages should [...]

By |2020-12-02T12:31:18+00:00December 2nd, 2020|Health and Safety, News|Comments Off on WARNING! Spillage of hand sanitiser can burn invisibly and unnoticed!!

Minimum Wage increase set for 1st January 2021

Currently the National Minimum Wage is €10.10  per hour, however, on the 1st January 2021 this is set to increase to €10.20 (an increase of 10 cents). Employers will automatically think of the increase in PRSI, but this has been considered also. To this end the employer PRSI threshold currently set at €395 will increase [...]

By |2021-04-06T12:14:52+00:00November 1st, 2020|Employment Law, Employment Law, HR, Human Resources, News|Comments Off on Minimum Wage increase set for 1st January 2021

€40,000 Grant Scheme for Retailers

Enterprise Ireland has re-launched a grant scheme that pays up to €40,000  or 90% of the project eligible costs to enhance their digital capability and to develop  a more competitive online offer. The scheme is the COVID-19 Online Retail Scheme and the closing date for applications is Monday 28th September 2020 at 3pm. For further [...]

By |2020-08-21T10:34:39+00:00August 24th, 2020|News|Comments Off on €40,000 Grant Scheme for Retailers

Irish Government’s July Stimulus Package

These are the six main focus points for businesses: TWSS (Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme) TWSS will now be extended and its name changed to: Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme and                   will run from September 2020 to March 2021. PUP (Pandemic Unemployment Payment) PUP will be extended to April [...]

By |2020-07-31T11:11:40+00:00August 3rd, 2020|Construction, Covid-19, Employment Law, Health and Safety, News|Comments Off on Irish Government’s July Stimulus Package

HSA Inspections will now include Covid-19 compliance

The Health and Safety Authority (the “HSA”) is the government agency with responsibility to ensure compliance with workplace health and safety (Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (the “2005 Act”)). Its remit now includes ensuring compliance with the Return to Work Safely Protocol (the “Protocol”). In this article, we look at the four [...]

By |2020-07-31T10:58:00+00:00July 31st, 2020|Construction, Covid-19, Employment Law, Health and Safety, News|Comments Off on HSA Inspections will now include Covid-19 compliance

If an employee returns from a holiday abroad do I have to pay them to self-isolate?

We have received a few concerned phone calls from employers who have employees returning from abroad. The current Government regulations require anyone coming into the country to self-isolate for 14 days. As an employer you are obliged to let your employee do this before allowing them return to the workplace. The question is are you, [...]

By |2020-07-03T11:08:49+00:00July 14th, 2020|Construction, Covid-19, Employment Law, Health and Safety, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on If an employee returns from a holiday abroad do I have to pay them to self-isolate?

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