While it is unlikely that companies will be holding traditional Christmas functions this year, some may hold them early next year and in the mean time zoom parties may still give rise to many of the HR issues that can cost your company a lot of money.
In our experience, the biggest complaint that arises from social functions is that of sexual harassment. This ugly problem seems to find its strength after a couple of drinks and slithers its way through friendly banter. At the very least it can lead to misunderstandings and hurt and at its worst it enables the opportunist to think that its ok to act in way they know would not be acceptable in the workplace during working hours. Sexual harassment causes hurt, resentment, embarrassment and guilt in waves and these feelings naturally cause huge tensions in the workplace, which will affect how the parties work together and if not properly managed could lead to you losing a good member of staff or facing a claim in the Workplace Relations Commission. It’s important to remember that this will affect those who witnessed the incident and so the effects of the incident spread like a cancer.
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
We know the significant damage sexual harassment can cause so why give it an opportunity to rear its ugly head?
- Take the time now to check your policy on equality. If you don’t have one – this is your priority for today. The Employment Equality Act 1998 (Code of Practice) (Harassment) Order 2012 sets out the correct approach a company must follow to avoid the conduct or if it occurs provides the company with a means to show that the behaviour is contrary to its established policies and procedures.
- Ensure that every member of staff has a copy of this. We would recommend that you send out a staff memo reminding staff of the policy and highlighting the fact that any zoom parties/social events will still be considered as work-related and as such any breach of company policies could result in disciplinary procedures.
WHAT?! We hear you. Some employers will say: but if I don’t acknowledge them and I don’t organise the event I have no liability. Wrong – you will still be held liable and the ‘head in the sand’ play won’t work in the Workplace Relations Commission.
Wait!! We know. Some employers will say: but I’m not going to discipline good staff for how they act after a few drinks. That is your call, but when key staff start going out sick with stress and you get the solicitor’s letter please don’t be shocked or worse still play the victim.
Take the steps as outlined above and prevent the problem.
Should a member of staff approach you with a sexual harassment complaint treat it with the respect it deserves. It is as serious as theft and needs to be viewed in the same way.
If you need additional guidance on this issue please contact us on 01 8774608 or [email protected].
Stay healthy and wash your hands!