These are the six main focus points for businesses:
- TWSS (Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme)
TWSS will now be extended and its name changed to: Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme and will run from September 2020 to March 2021.
- PUP (Pandemic Unemployment Payment)
PUP will be extended to April 2021, but the amounts will be tapered as people return to work. The rate changes are effective from the 17th September 2020.
People who earned more than €300 a week pre COVID, will have their payments reduced from €350 to €300
People who earned between €200 and €300 a week pre COVID, will have their payments reduced to €250
People who earned less than €200 a week pre COVID, will have their payments reduced to €203
VAT rates will change from 23% to 21% as of September for 6 months.
- Stay and Spend Scheme
From October if you holiday in Ireland you are entitled to claim back 20%. You must hold onto all receipts and claim this back via your tax credits at the end of the year.
The maximum claim for a single person is €625.00
The maximum claim for a married couple is €1,250.00
The claim can only be made against hotels and restaurants (no alcohol).
- Business Grants
Based on commercial rates from the previous year and you must have a maximum of 250 employees.
Maximum grant between €10,000 – €25,000
Minimum grant between €2,000 – €4,000
- Apprentices
Support for employers who hire apprentices.
We hope the above is useful. If ESA can assist you with any consultation or training as you build back your business please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01 8774608 or [email protected]