Lean Business Continuity Voucher
The Lean Business Continuity Voucher is available to eligible companies to access up to €2,500 in training or advisory services support related to the continued operation of their businesses during the current pandemic. The voucher may be used to obtain services from ESA.
The services may be in the form of management advice OR training of management or staff within the company or a combination of both.
It is expected that this support would be delivered online in most cases.
The service provided should focus on the Operations of the company in terms of;
- Crisis response where appropriate,
- Sustaining Operations,
- Planning for resilience post crisis.
Am I eligible?
The Lean Business Continuity Voucher is open to Enterprise Ireland or Údarás na Gaeltachta clients as well as domestically focused companies employing 10 or more in the manufacturing or internationally traded service sectors. For further information on eligibility contact your Development Advisor or the Covid-19 Business Response Unit at [email protected]
What costs are eligible?
The voucher covers either training or advisory services related to the Operations of the business from an approved service provider up to a value of €2,500. A maximum daily rate of €900 per day shall apply.
It is expected that the support would be provided over a relatively short period but can be spread out over a maximum of 6 weeks.
Eligible activities do not include general consultancy such as market research or project implementation.
Projects must fall into one or more of these categories;
- Develop processes for risk assessment and analysis for Business Continuity;
- Develop working practices for staff safety and well-being based on government guidelines;
- Develop strategy for and/or investigate feasibility of doing business online*.
*excludes website development or online marketing costs
What are the call close dates?
There are no set call close dates.
The process is not competitive and is approved by Enterprise Ireland management on a case by case basis.
Note that this scheme is a short-term measure and may be withdrawn once the current emergency period ends.
We hope the above is of assistance.
Stay safe and wash your hands!