It might have taken a pandemic, but finally employers are seeing the real value in their employees. Without the support of our employees there would simply be no business; paused or otherwise.
Unlike machines employees can think outside the box and show flexibility, and if we are to rely on those advantages then surely we have to consider the whole package and that means taking a holistic approach to ‘the employee’.
No one needs me to tell them that when employees have personal problems it more often than not creeps into the workplace, whether the employee wants it to or not. This can cause time-keeping issues, inter-personnel disputes and at its worst disciplinary problems. There is a real value in encouraging the employee to resolve these personal issues before they become problems, but, for most employers there simply isn’t the time or the resources in the business to do so.
ESA have developed an EAP or Employee Assistance Programme that will allow employers to provide this service, encourage the early resolution of problems and help reduce personnel problems.
How does it work?
Your business will be given a case consultant, who will be the contact person for your business. Any employee issues can be directed to this case consultant who will then source effective remedies for the person. Sometimes that can be a friendly ear but it also includes access to other professionals such as mental health therapists, solicitors and financial guidance.
If you would like more information on this service and how it might benefit your company please contact Vanessa Costello on 018774608 of [email protected]
In the mean time stay safe and wash your hands.