The following legislation will affect tis policy:
Terms of Employment (Information) Act 1994
Organisation of Working Time Act 1973
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005
The Right to Request Remote Work Bill 2021
**Company Logo **
Date created 2nd February 2022
POLICY FOR: **Company Name **
ADDRESS: **Company Address **
Review date:
Policy Statement: 3
Scope: 3
Legislation changes. 3
Going forward: 4
Starting times: 4
Location of work: 4
Costs: 5
Inspections: 5
Security: 5
Application for Home Working: 5
Roles and Responsibilities: 6
Health & Well-being 6
Working Hours 6
Contact Meetings 6
The R o l e o f E m p l o y e e’s 7
Duty to Protect: 8
Managers’ responsibilities include: 8
Employees ‘responsibilities include: 8
Health & Safety: 8
Notification of Intention to Work from Home 9
Work Desk & Work Chair 12
Environment 12
Risk Assessment 16
Equipment Supplied 18
Policy Statement:
In line with the Government’s and The Right to Request Remote Work Bill 2021.
All employees were employed under contract of employment and in line with section 3 of the Terms of Employment (Information) Act 1995, we the employer were required by law to set out your place or places of work. While we did not foresee the changes forced on us by the Pandemic, nonetheless we do recognise the changes required regarding our methods of work, place of work and the social requirements of our workforce.
Our Contract of Employment is that employees will be required to return to the employer’s work premises when and as necessary and deemed appropriate by management. Our company will however, consider remote working on a part time basis or a “Hybrid” working model in which employees, whose positions can be performed from a home setting will be allowed to do so. The Hybrid model will require an employee to attend our company premises two days per week and the remaining three days will be conducted from our employees home setting. The days scheduled will be set by management after consultation with the employee but may need to be altered dependent on business requirements. The decision on selection for this role will be dependent on our companies needs and managements decision on selection for this role will be final.
An employee can make an application for remote working through a Request form which can obtained from Management. If your application is granted, then you will be required to sign and return a Remote Working agreement which will outline the terms and conditions that’s comes with any agreement.
This policy applies to all employees in **Company Name ** and whose role can be performed remotely. The selected employee’s home working arrangement and set up must conform with company standards, codes of practice and current or future changes to legislation.
Our policy cover employee’s whose work involves the use of electronic communications meaning email, text messages or other digital means of conveying data electronically and our intellectual property. Working from home equipment and software provided by our company must be cared for by our employee and protected against damage or malice both during working hours and after working hours.
This policy will grow and evolve as we are aware that at this time, we are learning what work’s best and to improve the way we work. Feedback on remote working and this policy is welcome.
The following legislation and codes of practices must be adhered to by both the Employer and Employee:
Terms of Employment (Information) Act 1994is amended in section 3(1).
The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 is amended—(a)in section 5 by the substitution of “16, 17, 17A or 18A” for “16, 17 or 18A”, and(b)by the insertion, after section 17. Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 subsection (2) to certain employees working from home.
Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on The Right to Disconnect 1st April 2021
Work Safety Protocol 9th May 2020 and any future subsequent amendments
The Data Protection Acts 1988-2018
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679
The Right to Request Remote Work Bill 2021 (to be implemented)
Remote working is an agreement between employees and management to permit work from a non-office location. This is at managements discretion and the Company will ask or allow you to work from home were reasonably possible. You predominantly will be required to attend the work premises but circumstances such as government guidance, adverse weather and medical issues for example would then be more appropriate to carry out your work from your home location.
In these circumstances, working remotely is not a change in contractual terms. Where permitted an agreement will be put in place. Where you request to work remotely to care for children or other dependents, then this should be discussed with management to look at what arrangements can be made. In general, remote working is not to be used to facilitate child or dependent care. Below is a non-exhaustive list of circumstances where it may be appropriate for the employee to work from home.
Where it may be suitable for you to work at home Where it is not suitable for you to work at home
Government guidelines
Adverse weather conditions
Medical issues
Unexpected disruption to commute
When agreed with management Not enough cover in the office e.g. absenteeism, annual leave
Where arrangements with clients have been made
To care for family or others unless an emergency
Where the employee does not have a sufficient equipment or an appropriate home work location
The Agreement form signed by each party will outlines when the remote working agreement can be terminated.
Starting times:
Your starting time will be ___ – ___ or otherwise stated in your contract of employment.
Any changes to those hours must be agreed with management in advance and must be in line with business needs or requirements. Managements decision on granting changes or alterations will be final.
Location of work:
Will be an agreed area of your accommodation and shall include.
a) Secure
b) Good connectivity
c) Workstation are to be suitable to the ergonomics of your work.
Where you do not have a workstation, the Company will provide one for you, where it is not possible to provide a workstation, the decision to permit the employee to work from home may be refused.
Working remotely will only be available for those you have sufficient facilities that allow them to carry out their work to an acceptable standard. The Company will make available access to the company network and software for employees who are working on equipment such as a company laptop or if they intend to use their own equipment. To ensure that performance will not suffer in remote work arrangements, employees must have:
• A distraction-free working space.
• Ensure your internet connection is suitable for your work. This must be at least 10 Mbps.
• Be able to access and use systems and tools.
Where the setting up of a suitable working area and station as per Regulation 70 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 299 of 2007) is agreed:
a) The Company will cover the cost or supply the equipment.
b) The Employee will be responsible for the maintenance and good condition of the workstation.
c) The equipment will be the property of the Company and the employee accepts liability for any loss or damage.
d) Failure to return the property upon seven days’ notice to do so, will result in the full replacement costs being of the goods being withheld form any money due to the employee, this the employer consents to herein.
e) The Company will give to the employee free of deduction of tax a flat rate payment, of such amount as may be approved by the Revenue Commissioners, to meet the additional expenses incurred by the employee in working from home.
The Company will inspect the domiciliary where the employee is working form, including any out house or loft conversation. Our company may be required from time to time and in agreement with our employee to perform a risk assessment to ensure that the health and safety of the employee is not compromised. If the home working arrangement and set up is deemed unsuitable due to the aforementioned requirements the remote working arrangement may not be granted or may be revoked.
The equipment and software provided, or any other equipment used to facilitate you working from home is company property. Please note that you can request secondary equipment such as a second monitor screen if available. The equipment once left the company premises becomes your responsibility to mind.
• All employees, whether using company or personal equipment must:
• Keep all systems password protected.
• Ensure that equipment is not left open when not in use and that the lock screen setting is turned on.
• Store equipment in a safe location when not in use.
• Refrain from downloading suspicious, unauthorised or illegal software.
• Adhere to the company GDPR, Data Protection and Confidentiality policies.
Application for Home Working:
An application to work from home – Please issue us with our company request form and the request must be submitted to your line manager 4 weeks in advance of a request. For remote work request form the please contact management.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Managers play an integral part in Company’s business continuity by aiding the transition from working in our office or working on-site to working from home
This includes supporting employees regarding health and wellbeing; performance management; training needs; and other supports, as necessary.
The role of the manager is a vital connection for employees during remotely working. The managers should provide support and assistance, to help employees to navigate their way through these changes and crucially to provide direction to employees on how to adapt to the current circumstances.
The managers can experience additional challenges while working from home as they must also adjust to managing a team who are working remotely.
The Company provides guidance on team managing through our HR advisors on through online learning platforms and courses on team building, managing meeting, stress in the workplace, safety awareness.
Health & Well-being:
The health and well-being of all employees is paramount, particularly the social impact of working from home. The managers should be aware of issues that may be impacting employees in the current environment such as the feeling of isolation, maintaining a work-life balance etc.
Maintaining close contact will assist the managers to understand better the issues and make referrals to senior management for assistance.
Working Hours:
Employees will be required to record their hours to assist the employer in complying with the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 and Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on The Right to Disconnect. During each home working day, you should continue to record your working hours via the **___** as normal. The standard time keeping policy will apply to employees who are carrying out their work on company premises. It is vital that you avail of your rest break entitlements and that you take rest breaks as needed. Please note that this policy should not be abused, or you may be subject to disciplinary procedures.
Team/Company Meetings:
Managers must check in regularly with their teams and utilise the online tools designed to help teams communicate and work as a group, such as zoom, teams, teleconferencing etc.
Management request that all team or company meetings are conducted in person. However, a remote connection to the meeting may be granted via a special request on a case by case basis. Managements decision on granting a remote connection will be final.
The line manager may also hold one to one meeting with staff, if deemed necessary due company requirements.
Performance review meeting will be performed every six months going forward.
The managers at all levels should:
• Promote a positive, open, and inclusive working environment where individuals and teams feel valued and supported while remote working.
• Be open to new ways of working -discuss and agree flexibility around work times with their employees (for example, to accommodate caring responsibilities).
• Empower their employees to take responsibility for their work whilst providing support and guidance.
• Help their employees to avoid burnout and overworking by encouraging a healthy routine around the hours they work, for example, set their start time and end time and take breaks–allowing flexibility around other responsibilities where needed.
• Inform employees of their right to disconnect and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
• Be a role model and proactively manage their own health and wellbeing.
• The Line Manager should also encourage good communication so long as it is not directed at anyone or breaches the dignity at work policy. Some employees working at home may feel isolated. If this is the situation additional communication and support may be required to avoid negatively impacting the employees mental health and wellbeing.
• Keep employees informed of ongoing developments by regularly communicating relevant changes and alterations to our companies business needs.
• Additional team meetings may be required to share updates, discuss the work programme, agree ways of working, and support employees.
All employees have a responsibility to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that they maintain a safe environment while working from home in accordance with their obligations under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and to comply with guidance from their manager.
Employees must remain contactable to their Line Manager and other colleagues during working hours and productive in their work and maintain regular contact with their manager. All employees should, adhere to the Company’s policies and procedures in the normal manner.
• Attend and participate in meetings as required.
• Protect themselves and others from harm during the course of their work, for example, take care of any equipment provided and report any issues without delay in the normal manner.
• Notify their manager if they have a disability or are sensitive to risk (for example, pregnant, mobility needs) and have specific workspace or equipment needs/concerns.
• Co-operate with work priorities and timelines and request support or assistance if required directly to their Line Manager.
• Comply with the Company’s arrangements for recording working hours and rest breaks on the **____**
• Inform their manager if unable to work on a given day for example, due to illness, and follow the normal procedures.
Duty to Protect:
Managers’ responsibilities include
• Managing and conducting all work activities to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare of employees
• Assessing risks and implementing appropriate control measures, paying due regard to vulnerable and employees classified as sensitive, i.e. pregnant, employees with disabilities.
• Providing safe systems of work that are planned, organised, and maintained.
• Providing safe equipment including personal protective equipment, where necessary
• Providing information, instruction, training and supervision regarding safety and health to employees, and Having plans in place for emergencies.
Employees ‘responsibilities include
• Cooperating with their manager and following their instructions
• Protecting themselves and others from harm during the course of their work, e.g. taking care of any work equipment provided and reporting any defects immediately to their manager
Health & Safety:
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 an employer has a duty of care towards their employees. This would include providing a safe workplace. The Company may carry out a risk assessment of an employee’s homework space when required and at a time and date agreed with the employee. This may be completed annually or when there have been major changes to your homework space. You may also be required to complete an ergonomic assessment. It is the responsibility of the employee to report risks and work-related accidents.
Notification of Intention to Work from Home
1. Application to Work from home
2. Application for WFH should be approved by the Managing Director not later than 4 weeks before the proposed commencement date,
3. Application must accompany any evidence you are relying upon to support your request.
4. Application is dealt with based upon a number of factors.
1) the nature of the work you do, 2), the capability for you to work from a home environment, 3) security you can provide regarding GDPR, connectivity, & equipment. 4) the ability to comply with Health & Safety. 5) the ability of the company to successfully man its office with the correct staff levels. 6) your application evidence. 7) the duration of your request.
Reasons: The Company will only look at several reasons for working from home:
A) You can do 100% of your job, safety form home reducing travel which is more them 50 Kilometre each way per day.
B) You have difficulty in childcare facilities
C) I am the main career for my parents and working from home will help
D) You have health problem and working from home will help
E) The facilities are not safe or there are not safe procedures
Name: Mobile No;
Location Home No:
Request for:
Commencement Date to start working from home / /
Any additional Information or requests with application?
I declare that the information given above is accurate and complete.
Office Use Only:
Security Has the employee proven that there is adequate security YES NO
Approval Has the employee approval to work form the premises YES NO
Insurance Can the work area be insured YES NO
Data Can the flow of data be secured YES NO
Facilities Can the site be set up safely to operate form YES NO
Evidence Can the applicant provide sound reasons for the request YES NO
Company Can the company operate with the applicant working off site long term YES NO
The Request is Granted per the ( )
The Request is refused per ( )
The Reason for the refusal to ( ) is set out here under
The Request is granted for the Duration: / / TO / /
The Request is granted from / /
Signed: Date: / /
Staff member
Approved: Date: / /
Team Manager/Supervisor/Director
Right to appeal any decision must be made within 10 working days of notice of written refusal to the Company.
Images for correct ergonomic programs for operatives
Using a mouse the incorrect and correct way
Lighting Ergonomics
Having a light in front of you can cause fatigue, and eye strain.
Work Desk & Work Chair
1. Is there adequate leg room below the desk?
2. Is the work surface large enough for documents, monitor, keyboard, etc.?
3. Is the surface free of glare/reflections?
4. Does the chair stable & allow easy movement? Are the castors working smoothly?
5. Is the seat height adjustable to suit the body size of the user?
6. Is the backrest adjustable in both height and tilt to provide adequate support to the lower back?
7. Is the seat pan padded and free from sharp edges?
8. Do the armrests, if any, allow the user to get close enough to key comfortably?
9. Can you adjust the height of the chair?
10. Can you comfortably place your feet on the floor whilst seated?
1. Is the lighting level suitable for work carried out?
2. Is the noise level produced by the workstation and in the area acceptable?
3. Does the air feel comfortable?
4. Is there adequate contrast between the level of lighting in the room and the screen?
5. Is your work area free from reflections and glare?
6. Would you rate the temperature at your workstation as comfortable?
7. Would you rate the level of ventilation as adequate?
Employees Ergonomic/Risk Assessment Form
Display screen
Please Complete and return to the Company Yes No Action required
1 Are the characters legible?
2 Is the display screen image clear?
3 Is the image free of flicker and movement?
4 Are the brightness and/or contrast adjustable?
5 Does the screen swivel and tilt?
6 Is the screen free from glare and reflections?
7 Is the display screen at a comfortable height?
8 Can you adjust the brightness and contrast on the screen?
If you answer No to any question, then action is required.
Keyboard and mouse
Please Complete and return to the Company Yes No Action required
1 Does the keyboard tilt & is it detached from the display screen?
2 Can you find a comfortable keying position?
3 Are hands bent at wrist?
4 Are you overstretching fingers or having to hit keys too hard?
5 Is there enough space to rest hands in front of the keyboard?
6 Is the keyboard glare free?
7 Are the keys clean and clearly legible?
8 Is the mouse positioned close to you?
9 Is there support for your wrist & forearm?
10 Does the mouse work smoothly at a speed that suits you?
If you answer No to any question, then action is required.
Rest relaxation & eye strain
Please Complete and return to the Company Yes No Action required
1 Is the top of the screen where you see the words “File, Home at your eye-brow level
2 Are you standing up every 30 mins to allow the blood flow around your body
3 Are you looking away from the screen every 15 mins to rest your eyes for 60 seconds?
Please Complete and return to the Company Yes No Action required
1 Have you enough sockets to plug in the systems you are using
2 Are all the cables off the ground and away from area of traffic
3 Is the area you are working off designed for operating computers and its accessary equipment.
4 Is the area designated a work area for you to work?
5 Are you able to get air flow by opening a window to your work area
6 Do you have to heating in the work area
7 Do you understand that you are entitled to an eye test yearly with PRSI
Please Complete and return to the Company Yes No Action required
1 Is the computer you use a company computer
2 Has the Computer up to date security loaded
3 Are you up to speed with the Rules on GDPR.
4 Are you safe in the working environment?
5 Can you secure the Computer when you are not operating it.
6 Are you up to date with our internet policy.
Please List out herein the flowing:
The list is our understanding of what you use to operate successfully here in our offices/building.
Items Have Need Reasons for request
Foot Pedal
Electrical outlet
Racking (for files)
Docking Station
Phone line
Internet connection
Please check with your home insurance co, if you are covered in their policy to operate form home
Please confirm with your landlord, council, trust, or other, if you are permitted to operate form home
Please note, that it may be necessary for us to have you added to our policy for working from home, this regardless of any cover you have must be checked.
Have you applied for any tax relief for working from home?
If yes, was it through payroll
Risk Assessment
REF What are the hazards? Persons at risk Risk Rating Current control measures What further action is necessary? Responsible person Action Completed
1.1 Does the screen swivel and tilt? ** Employees YES NO Employee should be shown how to adjust their systems Ensure all equipment is compliant to EU regulation
1.2 Is the display screen at a comfortable height? ** Employees YES NO Employee should be shown how to adjust their systems high to eye level Ensure all equipment is compliant to EU regulation
1.38 Is the mouse positioned close to you? ** Employees YES NO Employee could develop repetitive stress injury (RSI) a gradual build-up of damage to muscles, tendons, and nerves from repetitive motions. Ensure employees are familiar with correct position of mouse. Employer will endeavour to recruit more staff, or have cover from the office assist
1.4 Is there support for your wrist & forearm? Employees YES NO Employee must ensure they are seated correctly as per diagram “Correct VDU Positions” employee will be provided with the diagram and advised to follow
REF What are the hazards? Persons at risk Risk Rating Current control measures What further action is necessary? Action Completed
1.5 Is the work surface large enough for documents, monitor, keyboard, etc. ** Employees YES NO Employees should ensure that they do not clutter their work area with unnecessary items Where it cannot be avoided then separate shelfing of storage should be provided
1.6 Can you adjust the height of the chair ** Employees YES NO All chairs must comply with Irish standard, the back, and head rest must be adjustable and the high of the chair for good ergonomics must be available with each chair.
Compensation Rest periods will be provided
1.7 Can you comfortably place you feet on the floor whilst seated ** Employees YES NO Employees must be able to stand for up to 10 mins every hour to avoid “Deep vein thrombosis”
Assessment of risks should be look at also, pregnancy, smokers, overweight, and food intake. Employer should look at stand sit workstations in due course. Available of drinking water and rotations of jobs tasks.
1.8 Is the lighting level suitable for work carried out ** Employees YES NO Light can adversity impact on performance and fatigue, screen light adjustment must be on and employee should know how to adjust. A review of the light direction as shown in Lighting Ergonomics diagram
REF What are the hazards? Persons at risk Risk Rating Current control measures What further action is necessary? Responsible person Action Completed
1.9 Is the noise level produced by the workstation and in the area acceptable? ** Employees YES NO Noise can be direct or in direct, white noise, is the fan in the back ground. Whereas direct is the sudden bang of two items causing a sharp sound There is no action required as the swap sample which is just a guide shows no notice issues.
2.0 Does the air feel comfortable Employees YES NO Poor posture can have a dramatic effect on muscles and ligaments. It can lead to pain and injury in heels, knees, back, feet and even difficulty with digestion and breathing. Bad posture is typically caused, and made worse by, an imbalance in strength and tension within muscles. Foot rests Compensation Rest as shown in section 5 above should be offered.
2.1 Is there adequate contrast between the level of lighting in the room and the screen Employees YES NO Ensure the light over the employee, and any windows do not overcome the computer screen Employer will endeavour to look at the light albeit the swat test showed no issues
2.2 Is your work area free from reflections and glare ** Employees YES NO See above See above
Ref What are the hazards? Persons at risk Risk Rating Current control measures
What further action is necessary? Responsible person Action Completed
2.3 Would you rate the temperature at your workstation as comfortable ** Employees YES NO The issues are air flow and perception and any heating systems. Employee should be able to put on extra clothing and not increase the heating in the building Advises staff of set heating levels and remove any access to the controls.
2.4 Would you rate the level of ventilation as adequate ** Employees YES NO Air ventilation is a key to production levels and good health. Ensure the air flow is maintained at current levels, where partitions are built ensure there is an airflow
2.5 Are you trained or have you been trained how to use your workstation equipment ** Employees YES NO Employees should be shown how to operate their systems and not assume that all computers are the same Employer will endeavour to show each employee how to operate all aspects of the equipment they use and have a sign off sheet.
2.6 Do you know the procedure for reporting a defect or problem ** Employees YES NO Employee should see form their employee handbook policies on reporting any and all issues Please check with HR and safety to ensure there are procedures for reporting
Equipment Supplied
Ref number:
Ref number:
Ref number:
Ref number:
Ref number:
Ref number:
Ref number: