Agreement between the Employer and the Remote Worker
Re Remote Working
Our Remote Worker remote work policy outlines our guidelines for Remote Workers who work from a location other than our offices. Agreeing on remote work is voluntary for both the employer and the Remote Worker.
This agreement is made on this day of ____________ 2022 referred to as the effective day, between the first party _____________________ the Employer and ___________________ the Remote Worker.
Whereas, the Employer agrees to permit the Remote Worker to work remotely at their chosen work location. The chosen remote workplace is at the following address; ____________________.
This is a temporary agreement and will be terminated on the __________2022 wherein the Remote Worker will return to their normal work place of work/ This agreement will be on a full-time basis/ This agreement is a hybrid model where you will work remotely ____ days per week.
The Company will provide you with equipment that is essential to their job duties, such as a laptop, headsets and mobile phone. We will install VPN and company-required software when Remote Workers receive their equipment. We will not provide secondary equipment (e.g. printers and screens.)
Equipment that we provide is company property. Remote Workers must keep it safe and avoid any misuse and our Company property policy must be adhered to.
Terms & Conditions
With the exception of the place of work, remote work should not lead to changes in the terms and conditions of employment. The remote worker holds the same position as they did when working on the employer’s premises, or the same position as a Remote Worker with similar tasks working on the employer’s premises.
Health & Safety
It is agreed that a Health & Safety Risk Assessment will have to completed where a Health & Safety representative will attend your work location to carry out the assessment. Alternatively, you can submit photo images of your work space to include visual display equipment, desk and surrounding areas to the Company Health & Safety Representative. It is the responsibility of the employee to report any accidents they have to management in the event of an accident at the remote workers premises during working hours.
You are obliged to adhere to our Data Protection and GDPR Policy. Specifically, Remote Workers must:
• Keep their equipment password protected with automatic locking.
• Store equipment in a safe and clean space when not in use.
• Follow all data encryption, protection standards and settings.
• Refrain from downloading suspicious, unauthorised or illegal software.
• Ensure that no other person can access Company devices or intellectual information.
The Company’s data security guidelines are followed in remote work. No information may be disclosed to third parties, and the employer’s computers may not be given to third parties to use. Family members are also considered third parties. Data processed at home or outside the office must be related to the Remote Worker’s duties. Confidential information must be destroyed according to the data security guidelines.
Employer Obligations:
• Promote remote working arrangements and provide equipment and training to facilitate working out of the office;
• Support administrative staff to maintain communication with Remote Workers;
• Promote transparency with clients and colleagues regarding a Remote Worker’s work arrangements;
• Understand their occupational health and safety obligations in respect of Remote Workers who work remotely;
• Schedule meetings when the Remote Worker can attend or arrange teleconferencing;
• Maintain the status of Remote Workers who work remotely, ensuring they are offered quality work, promotion and business development opportunities, and continual professional development;
Remote Worker Obligations:
The Remote Worker’s work-related obligations are the same for remote work as for work done on the employer’s premises. The Remote Worker is obliged to carry out their work to the required Company standard. To ensure that your work can be carried out to the same Company standard, you are required to have the following:
• A distraction-free working space with adequate noise levels. For example, constant noise inferences such as barking dogs or constant movement of people is not sufficient;
• Have a strong internet connection (insert minimum strength?);
• Have equipment of ergonomic design to include a desk and an adjustable chair;
• Dedicate their full attention to their job duties during working hours;
• Adhere to the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 to include break and attendance schedules agreed upon with their manager;
• Disconnect form your work at the end of the working day;
• Have constant communication channels with Management and your work colleagues and remain visible and included;
• Be always reachable via telephone, email or instant messaging applications;
• Report any absences;
• Use company log in and out system for working times and breaks.
The Employer may terminate the agreement on the following terms;
• Not all tasks are suitable for remote work;
• If doubts arise in the work place about the remote worker’s true work contribution;
• If work efficiency decreases and if the Remote Worker has more difficulties in starting work when compared to normal work conditions;
• The nature of the work does not allow for the work to be done remotely. The work cannot be reorganised among existing staff and it would have a potential negative impact on the quality of work;
• Planned structural changes;
• Burden of additional costs;
• Concern for the protection of business confidentiality or intellectual property;
• Data protection concerns;
• Health & Safety concerns;
• Internet connectivity concerns;
• Lack of personnel in the workplace due to other being on any employment leave or if there is a lack of personnel in general;
• Remote Worker has disciplinary or performance issues and would require closer monitoring
• If the remote worker is requested to attend Company training
The Employer will provide the Remote Worker with as much notice of this agreement termination with as reasonably possible. Any work equipment acquired by the employer for remote work purposes and mentioned in this agreement must be returned to the employer at the conclusion of the remote work agreement.
Signed _________________ Signed _______________
Remote Worker Employer
Date____/______/____ Date____/______/____